Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Resolutions


As always, Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by the gorgeous gals over at the Broke and the Bookish.

I didn’t do too well with my resolutions this year, so I’m starting over and making them a bit more manageable.

2016 Resolutions

Read books I already own. 
We all struggle with adding to our TBR without making much headway first. I want to read twenty books for every one that I buy until I’ve read every book I own.

Read one book a week.
I’m hoping this will be a minimum rather than a maximum, and I’ll end up reading 3-4 books a week. But I’m not going to push myself into reading just to hit a number.

Do the PopSugar reading challenge again.
I loved doing this challenge last year and I’m really looking forward to doing it again. It was around half of the reading I did last year and I finished it by March. I won’t be racing against my sister this time, but I think I’ll still finish it pretty quickly.

Reread the Harry Potter series.
It’s been so long, y’all.

Be more consistent here on the blog.
It was not a good blogging year, as you know. It was a busy year full of changes, but I’m going to make this a higher priority since I really like doing it.

Organize my books.
This is less of a physical thing and more of a list thing. I want to have a binder  or journal of book lists pertaining to my library. Books about Anne Boleyn, Road Trip Books, Issue Books, etc. So when I’m in a particular mood or someone wants recommendations on what to borrow, I can just pull that out and voila!

Read a chapter of the Bible every day.
I want to get closer to God and what better way than to start each day by reading His Word?

Write more.
I want to do something creative each day as an outlet, and I want to get back to writing. Whether it’s poetry, novels, or fan fiction, I just want to write.

Start a Booktube
Who doesn’t want to do this?! But I need a better webcam, a nice setup, editing skills, etc. So I’m going to work towards this goal this year.

Improve my bookstagram
I haven’t posted since this summer and quality photos are hard when your ipod only has a selfie camera. So I’m going to work on that too.

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Bookish/Bloggerish Goals for 2015

As always, this is a weekly meme hosted by the wonderful women over at the Broke and the Bookish.

1. Get back to a steady blogging schedule

I get into a blogging rut where I don’t want to do anything, so I just disappear. I want to make this part of a routine so I don’t drop it. I love blogging and having this bookish forum aside from my sister and best friend! I need to prioritize it more.

2. Post more content (tutorials, month in review, recipes and organization, etc.)

I never realized how much crafting I do inadvertently. For example, the other day I needed a coin sorter for my car (!!!! ) and when I couldn’t find the tutorial I was looking for, I just whipped one up and forgot to make a tutorial later. I’m the worst about it! So I want to put up more craft tutorials, do more recap posts like a month in review, posts that aren’t a meme or tutorial, and more posts on my other interests. This was never meant to be a dedicated book blog, but it’s what’s easiest for me to talk about. I want to get back to what I started this blog to be: an online journal where I can share my favorite interests and how I’ve explored them.

3. Get more involved in the blogging community

I’ve realized I know so few bloggers! The only one I really interact with is Amanda from Of Spectacles and Books, and I knew her before either of us started blogging! I need to remedy this, and I’m looking for ideas how.

4. Stay on top of reviews

I know some bloggers are super behind on their reviews, but I hate being more than five books back. I’m currently at around 8, so I’m thinking of doing a quick catch up review on a few at a time to knock them out. Then I want to stay on track so it’s no longer a stressor in my life.

5. Start queueing up posts

This is kind of the same thing, but not book specific. Top Ten Tuesday and Make it Happen Monday are harder to queue, but I can add to Favorite Things Friday throughout the week so it’s no longer one more thing keeping me from my weekend. I can also queue up book reviews, tutorials, tip posts, etc. There’s no excuse for me on this front, so I need to stop being lazy and set aside a couple of hours once a week up type up posts and schedule them.

6. Stop doing books for review for a while

Part of why I have reading ruts is because I get books to review and lose motivation. I don’t see these books everywhere, so the hype isn’t built up in my mind, and I’m not excited to read them. But I know I owe it to the author or publisher that sent me the book, so I don’t want to read something else first because I’ll feel bad. But then I get super stressed about reading a book I don’t want to read and I just stop reading altogether. It’s a terrible habit, so I’m going to take a break from accepting books for review for a while after I get caught up.

7. Don’t reread as much/read from my shelves

Y’all, I reread so much. 80% of the books I read this year were rereads. I’m the worst about it! I’m going to try and stick to a 5 new books to 1 old book ratio this year so I can knock books off of my TBR and still get some favorites in.

8. Find out if I want to use another platform

I love wordpress because I know how it works, but I hate the lack of html and customization. I’ve been looking at blogger, but I have no clue how it works! I need to do more research and work on getting to know it so I can see if I need to switch over.

9, Go to NTTBF

I would have added BEA to this one, but I would be going with my sister and she’s expecting a baby in early June, so I’m just going to put this off for a little while.  Haha. But North Texas Teen Book Festival is just in our backyard, so there’s no excuse for us to not make it there in March. I can’t wait!! The author list is AMAZING and I definitely need to work on reading some of their books so I don’t waste this opportunity.

10. Have guest posters once a month

This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while, and I want to finally put it into action. My sister is going to be a guest reviewer now and again, so I haven’t been slacking on it, but I need to see if I want to do more.

Those are my blogger goals for 2015! Let me know: Do we have any of the same goals? Do you have suggestions for other goals or for accomplishing these? What are you looking to get done in the new year?
